

Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus

Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus

This is an injury of the protective cartilage on the top of the talus (the ankle bone). You'll find this cartilage where the talus touches the tibia and fibula (the bones of the lower leg). Read more

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

Ligaments are fibrous, elastic bands of tissue that connect and stabilize the bones. An ankle sprain is a common, painful injury that occurs when one or more of the ankle ligaments is stretched beyond the normal range of motion. Read more

Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction (ALR)

Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction (ALR)

This surgery corrects an unstable ankle. It tightens one or more ligaments that support your ankle. It helps people who've had repeated ankle sprains. Read more